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A carefully picked-out travel map with some personal touch can be the perfect gift for our loved one: it will not only remind you of your crazy adventures together but also nicely compliment your home interior.

A personalized anniversary push pin map lets you pin the places you have visited together or the ones you still wish to explore in the future. Every map can be personalized according to your taste and needs, including some personal details about the travelers. For example, you can add the names of you and your partner, the date of your wedding, an inspiring quote that you both love, or a personal greeting.

If you’re thinking about getting a personalized push pin travel map as an anniversary gift, there are some things you need to consider. The following tips will help you make the right choice and be happy with your purchase for the years to come.

Personalized Anniversary Push Pin Map on canvas with pins

The Quality of a Personalized Anniversary Push Pin Map and Why It’s Important

The quality of your personalized anniversary push pin map is one of the main things you need to take into consideration before making the purchase. Just like your relationship, you want your map to be long-lasting and giving you joy for many decades.

As a traveling couple, you’ll be using your map constantly, so you need it to be extremely well-made. A good-quality map on canvas is probably the best choice since it won’t lose its appeal over the years, even after pinning many times. We recommend choosing a map that is covered with a layer of special varnish, which protects the print from dirt and fading.

In Trip Map, we use only the best quality certified materials to hand-make our travel maps on canvas.

canvas Personalized Anniversary Push Pin Map

Push Pin Europe Map – Colorful

The Scope of Your Travels: Where Do You Travel the Most?

Another important thing to consider when choosing a personalized anniversary push pin map is the scope and geography of your travels. Do you and your partner mostly travel locally or like to mix it up and explore different continents? Do you travel a lot, also visiting the smaller towns and coming back to the same countries, or usually hit a new destination for your yearly vacation?

Depending on how you answer these questions, in the Trip Map e-shop, you can choose four different map types: World map, Europe map, USA map, or UK & Ireland map.

wall art Personalized Anniversary Push Pin Map

Push Pin World Map – Colorful

The Colors and the Size of the Map: What Would Fit Best in Your Home Interior?

Before choosing a personalized anniversary push pin map, you must also consider the style and color palette of your home, how much space you have, and where you’d want the map to be hung. Depending on that, you’ll be able to choose the right size of your map and the design that best fits your interior.

In Trip Map, push pin travel maps are available in four different sizes: small, medium, large and extra-large, and come in dozens of original designs, all created by our talented designers. From classic black and white, vintage and retro designs, to bright-colored and pastel maps, in our e-shop, there’s a map for every taste.

detailed Personalized Anniversary Push Pin Map

Push Pin World Map – Safari

Best Ways to Personalize Your Anniversary Push Pin Map

After you’ve picked out the type, size, and design of your push pin travel map, the last, and probably the most important thing to consider, are the various personalization options. A personal message or some personal details about the travelers will make your map more meaningful, and turn it into a truly special and unique anniversary gift.

One of the best ways to give some personal touch to your personalized anniversary push pin map is to add the names of you and your partner onto the map. It can also include the date of your wedding or any other date that is important for you as a couple.

Personalized Anniversary Push Pin travel Map

If you’ve been together for a longer time and already have kids, you can also include their names on the map. There’s an option to add a personalized map’s legend with the names of all the family members.

Another great way to personalize your anniversary push pin map is to add some personal message to it. It can be an inspiring quote that both you and your partner like, maybe a line from your favorite song, a poem, or just a personal greeting.

Personalized Anniversary Push Pin Map_ 4 Main Things to Consider Before Buying

A personalized anniversary push pin map is a great gift for your partner or a couple that’s about to celebrate their anniversary. A good-quality map with a personal touch fills up one’s home with good emotions, reminds of the best travel moments, and gives inspiration for future adventures.

Large Personalized Anniversary Push Pin Map

Find more:
“40 Inspiring Quotes to Personalize Your Push Pin Travel Map”
“50 Wedding Anniversary Quotes to Personalize Your Push Pin Travel Map”


Author | Traveler

Born and raised in Lithuania, never did I think that I would find myself living in Israel – this peculiar country that I’m still trying to figure out. When I’m not busy eating falafel, I love to travel and spend time outdoors, go for runs along the beach, daydream, and write, write, write…

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Last updated: 2023-03-08

Push Pin Travel Maps

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