You can choose a travel map according to your travel destinations and needs: we offer maps that represent the whole world, Europe, and the USA. Sometimes you can even combine a few of them! For example, on the world map, you can mark the countries you’ve visited, and on the map of Europe, you can find smaller cities and more specific places.
Our clients hang Trip Map prints on canvas in different places of their homes. Some of these places are open to anyone, and some are more intimate or personal. Below we’re sharing with you 6 ideas on where you could hang your own map and what the pros and cons of every place are.
1. Living room
The living room is the place for relaxation, chats, movies, and meet-ups with friends. You probably wish to create coziness in this room, and you’re using some interior décor to do it. A push pin map would definitely find a place here! Popular hanging places include: above the couch, above a chest of drawers, or simply on a spacious empty wall.
- The map is visible to all the family members;
- It is also visible to your guests and is an easy conversation-starter;
- It becomes the main focus of the room;
- It is seen every day.
- If you hang it over a couch or other huge piece of furniture, it might be hard to reach it to put in a pin.
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