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With 2,950 cities, lots of lakes and rivers, country and county borders labeled and marked, this highly-detailed push pin map gives you endless opportunities for pinning and making it more fun.

By using different colors of pins, you can create your own pinning logic and use the map in a variety of ways. Here are some ideas on what to pin on your large UK & Ireland wall map, how to track your travels, and mark any other locations you want!

1. Keep track of the cities and towns you’ve visited (or plan to visit)

A large and highly detailed push pin UK map is the easiest way to keep track of all the towns and cities you’ve visited in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Even better – this map includes the Republic of Ireland as well! With geographical data compiled in the UK and almost 3000 cities, you can be sure to find the places you need.

To make even more use of the map, choose different colors of pins to differentiate the towns and cities you’ve already visited from those you only plan or wish to visit in the future.

push pin large wall map of the UK and Ireland

Push Pin UK & Ireland Map – Black and White

2. Plan a family road trip

Planning a family road trip around Great Britain? Use a wall map for better visualization! On the map, you can pin the whole route: the beautiful places you and your family want to travel to, the towns you want to explore or stay at, or even the lakes and rivers you want to take a dip in! Use different colors of pins to mark alternative routes or places that different family members would like to visit.

3. Mark different regions in the UK & Ireland

The large British Isles wall map includes the borders of the countries of the UK (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland), the Republic of Ireland, and all of their counties nicely marked. This allows you to track your travels all over the UK & Ireland, and pin different counties you have visited or plan to visit.

detailed large wall map of the UK and Ireland

Push Pin UK & Ireland Map – Grey

4. Pin the locations of your business

Push pin UK map is not only a great way to document your travels but it can serve in your business as well. Use the map to pin all of your business locations, stores, etc. around the British Isles – you can hang it on a wall in a well-visible place for all of your clients to see. Similarly, you can pin the towns and cities where you plan to expand your business, where your clients are located, or where your company events are taking place.

5. Pin your bucket-list destinations

Take some time to examine your large UK wall map, and find your next adventure. A push pin map not only helps you remember your best travel memories but can also motivate you to start planning your future trips! Pin your bucket-list destinations around Great Britain and Ireland, or mark the places you’d like to visit on your next staycation or weekend getaway.

tripmap large wall map of the UK and Ireland

6. Mark your favorite destinations

On a push pin UK map, you can also mark your favorite places to visit around the UK and Ireland, best vacation spots, or camping sites you often stay at. First of all, such a nice visualization will help you personally when planning your future adventures. And secondly, it can be useful when guests come over, and you want to recommend some stunning locations to visit for your family and friends. No need to take out your smartphones – show it on your wall map!

places i have been large wall map of the UK and Ireland

Push Pin UK & Ireland Map – Vintage

7. Explore the British coast: the islands & the seas

A detailed wall map of the British Isles includes the big islands of Great Britain and Ireland as well as a bunch of other smaller islands that belong to the archipelago. All the seas surrounding the islands are also nicely labeled which allows you to better explore the wonderful British coast. Examine the map and pin the islands you have visited or dream to visit, the beach towns you’d like to go to for a vacation, or the bays you’d like to hike along.

8. Pin the lakes, rivers, and other natural attractions

If you’re a nature enthusiast, use a push pin map to keep track of all the magical natural attractions you’ve visited around Great Britain and Ireland. Our highly detailed push pin UK map includes plenty of lakes and rivers, so you can explore the best places to go for a relaxing weekend, a camping trip, and pin your travel progress!

large wall map of the UK and Ireland pin board canvas

Push Pin UK & Ireland Map – Colorful

9. Keep track of every family members’ adventures

The large UK wall map is definitely large enough to keep the travel memories of the whole family. By using different colors of pins, you can easily keep track of every family members’ adventures, compare travel notes, and share some exciting memories.

To make it even more fun, take the opportunity to personalize your push pin map, by adding a map legend on the corner with the names of all the family members.

You can find more ideas on how to personalize your wall travel map here: “7 Ideas for Personalized World Traveler Map”.

personalized canvas large wall map of the UK and Ireland

Push Pin UK & Ireland Map – Political


Author | Traveler

Born and raised in Lithuania, never did I think that I would find myself living in Israel – this peculiar country that I’m still trying to figure out. When I’m not busy eating falafel, I love to travel and spend time outdoors, go for runs along the beach, daydream, and write, write, write…

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Last updated: 2023-03-08

Push Pin UK and Ireland Maps

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